AboutHsuan-Kang Tsai (b.1983),is a Taiwanese filmmaker. Adapting methods of multi-media and multi-narratives in his practice. His films, serve as an investigation of new Asian generation’s living conditions—exploitation and difficulties from the economical structure, the impact of technology toward the society and disillusion and alienation toward the current political situation.
Tsai’s work has been showcased internationally in Cologne International Videoart Festival (2011), Barcelona Independent Film Festival (2011), Aguilar de Campoo Short Film Festival (2011), Taipei Urban Nomad Film Fest (2011, 2009) and EXiS Experimental Film and Video Festival (2009, Seoul). 蔡弦剛(b. 1983),畢業於政治大學廣告學系。作品常運用多媒材、多重敘事的創作方式融入其影像創作中,主要聚焦在討論台灣當代人的生活狀態,如經濟拮据下的生活困境、對政治的疏離、以及現實與歷史的互相對照。
個人導演作品的映演和展覽經歷包括: 科隆國際錄像藝術節CologneOFF(2011)、巴賽隆納l'Alternativa獨立電影節(2011)、西班牙Aguilar短片影展(2011)、台北遊牧影展(2017、2015、2011、2009)與EXiS首爾實驗電影節(2010)…等。 剪輯作品【徐自強的練習題】紀錄長片曾入圍2017台北電影獎、2017金馬獎最佳紀錄片等。現職為獨立影像工作者、編導和剪接。 |